Discretionary Commission Arrangements - Complaints and Refunds

Close Brothers Finance Overcharging

Close Brothers Bank has recently found itself at the center of a significant financial controversy that underscores the complexities and ethical considerations in the motor finance industry. The issue at hand revolves around the use of Discretionary Commission arrangements, which, until their ban by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in 2021, allowed car dealers to set the interest rates for consumer loans. This practice has led to concerns over potential overcharging of customers, drawing considerable scrutiny from regulatory bodies and the public alike.

The Nature of Discretionary Commission Arrangements

Discretionary Commission arrangements permitted car dealers to earn higher commissions by increasing the interest rates on the loans they sold. The financial incentive encouraged dealers to prioritize their profit margins over the best interest rates for consumers, potentially leading to situations where customers were unknowingly overcharged. The FCA's decision to ban this practice was rooted in a desire to protect consumers and ensure fair treatment in the motor finance market.

Close Brothers Bank and Regulatory Scrutiny

Close Brothers, a prominent figure in the UK banking and motor finance sector, has faced intense scrutiny following the FCA's investigation into historical Discretionary Commission payments. This investigation aimed to assess the extent of overcharging and the impact on consumers who were potentially unaware of the financial arrangements that could influence the cost of their vehicle finance. The FCA's actions highlight a broader commitment to upholding high standards of conduct and transparency within the financial sector, particularly in areas directly affecting consumer financial health.

The Financial and Reputational Impact

The implications of the FCA's investigation for Close Brothers have been significant. Not only has there been a notable impact on the bank's market valuation, but the potential liabilities arising from historical commission practices pose a substantial financial risk. The situation has led to a broader discussion about the ethical responsibilities of financial institutions and the importance of maintaining consumer trust. For Close Brothers, addressing these concerns and restoring confidence among its customers and stakeholders has become a paramount challenge.

Industry-wide Consequences and Reforms

The controversy surrounding Discretionary Commission arrangements extends beyond Close Brothers, reflecting systemic issues within the motor finance industry. The FCA's intervention has catalyzed a shift towards greater transparency and fairness, compelling other financial institutions to reevaluate their sales and commission practices. The broader aim is to establish a more consumer-friendly environment, where the terms of financing are clear, fair, and free from conflicts of interest that could disadvantage consumers.

Moving Forward: A Focus on Transparency and Fairness

In response to regulatory scrutiny and public concern, Close Brothers and the wider motor finance industry are at a crossroads. The challenge now is to rebuild trust through enhanced transparency, better consumer education, and the implementation of fairer, more ethical business practices. For Close Brothers, this may involve significant changes to its operational model and compensation structures to ensure compliance with new regulatory standards and to safeguard consumer interests.


The controversy over Discretionary Commission arrangements at Close Brothers Bank underscores the delicate balance between profitability and ethical responsibility in the financial services industry. As regulatory bodies like the FCA continue to enforce stricter standards, banks and finance companies must adapt to a changing landscape where consumer protection is paramount. The journey towards greater transparency and fairness is not only a regulatory mandate but a crucial step in restoring and maintaining public trust in the financial sector. For Close Brothers, navigating this transition effectively is essential for its future success and reputation as a leading UK banking institution.